Mind 𓁼

The mind has two aspects, the intellectual and the spiritual. The Intellectual mind focus on the physical while the spiritual mind seeks meaning and connection. These tools have been to curated for the altar of the spiritual mind. Tools that honor the insight and wisdom of your Higher Self.


Body π“‚»

Offerings curated to honor the vessel chosen by us, to carry us through this lifetime. When we honor the Altar of the body, we honor the container that holds our magic, our pain, our joy and of course all of our love. The vessel that makes this life tangible, deserves our attention and committment.


Spirit 𓆃

The spirit holds the essence and activating energy of who we are as individuals. Spirit also refers to the ghosts, Guides and ancestors we can connect with through the veil. When we activate our Spirit Altars we strengthen our connection to ourselves and by proxy to those who wish to Guide us through other dimensions, timeliness and worlds. Spirit tools create expansion while helping you dive into the unknown.


Space π“ŠŽ

Sacred space is where we allow ourselves to remove our masks, armor and lay ourselves bare. These spaces remind us to be present in the now and turn towards ourselves, exploring our shadows as well as our light. There is no more sacred space than our home, and this collection of offerings speak to who you are and say, β€œ I am here. I am present. I am awake.” The Altar of the mind invites you to slow down, unburden yourselves and enjoy the holiness that is β€œhome”.


Found π“Š―

Objects found to amplify your magic within all realms of the seen and unseen. Cleared and blessed for your ever evolving and expanding spiritual existence.