ALTAR ANIMAL GUIDE - Brass Hand Carved Snail

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Animal Guides can offer strength, wisdom and insight into ourselves and we can connect with their powers when in need! When we place their images on our altar spaces it is a petition for connection, assistance and respect.

Snail teaches how to conserve energy all while showing you how to live more mindfully in the moment.

This little creature has an impressive history as a symbol throughout the world for fertility, slow and determined movement, life’s progress, and the sacred space of the home. Much of this meaning begins with the Snail’s shell. A Snail’s shell is its mobile house and security system. Inside this haven, the Snail’s soft body has protection. Otherwise, it would have no defenses against the environment let alone any predators. Sails carry their shell throughout life, giving them associations with travel, shelter, security, adaptation, and autonomy.

the primary medicine focuses us on the pace of our lives. Snail asks, “why do you hurry?” There is so much to life we miss when there’s no slowing down.

We have 2 of this powerful Animal Guide and will select the Guide most in tune with your energy.

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