ALTAR ANIMAL GUIDE - Hand Carved Copper Beetle

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Animal Guides can offer strength, wisdom and insight into ourselves and we can connect with their powers when in need! When we place their images on our altar spaces it is a petition for connection, assistance and respect.

Looking to nourish and nurture yourself? Want to commune with ancestors or explore past lives? Beetle teaches how to fuel your soul while simultaneously helping you connect with spirits.

In the wild, Beetles gather in groups. They are communal creatures. All the Beetles in a colony work together to ensure the stability of their home; this makes Beetle Spirit a fabulous symbol of cooperation and teamwork. Beetle medicine can help you network and find those people with whom you really want to bond for achieving goals.

Beetle is part of the order of Coleoptera, which makes up 1/3 of the entire animal kingdom; this is because Beetle is versatile, being able to live nearly anywhere but the coldest regions on Earth; this provides Beetle with the additional symbolism of adaptability. They also have great camouflage to fool predators. Beetles message is – know when to take yourself out of the limelight.

Beautifully Ornate Hand Carved Altar Guides

We have 3 and will select the Guide most intone with you energy.

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