Aphrodite Ritual Incense


She is Venus, the morning star. In love or in lust burn this incense to open your heart and invoke the power of this goddess. This incense is to invoke her, it is her charm, to surround you and fill you with her grace in a rapturous embrace with her divinity.~ Work with this Aphrodite ritual incense to invoke love, beauty, fertility, prosperity, attraction & sexual rapture into your life.

One may fumigate their home with this incense with intention to increase intimacy with ones lover, burn for wild nights of sex magic, burn in rituals to attract a lover, or to charm the pants off of others.

Ingredients: Benzoin Sumatra, Rose Petals, Myrtle, Damiana, Sandalwood, Yarrow & Apple Seed.

Note:Burn incense on charcoal in an incense censor.

In the tapestry of Greek mythology, Aphrodite reigns as the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Her energy encapsulates the multifaceted nature of loveβ€”not just romantic love, but also love for oneself and for life. Those who call upon Aphrodite often seek to ignite passion, cultivate self-love, and enhance their emotional well-being. She can help to heal emotional wounds and assist in finding and maintaining meaningful relationships. Invoking Aphrodite's guidance can also bolster creative endeavors, as she embodies the artistic aspects of love and beauty, encouraging a freer expression of oneself. Overall, her power serves as a nurturing force that can revitalize and enrich various facets of life through the lens of love and artistic expression.

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